Alumni Shelby Yoder took the time to answer some questions and share what she has been up to since her time with Experiences Canada. Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself? My name is Shelby Yoder (born Larsen) and I was a participant in a...
Alumni Rebecca French took the time to answer some questions and share what she has been up to since her time with Experiences Canada. Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself? My name is Rebecca French. I’m originally from Bay Roberts,...
Alumni Joy Rogers took the time to answer some questions and to update us on what her time with Experiences Canada. Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself? Joy is a mixed First Nations and British woman currently working for the government of...
Alumni Leejoo Hwang took the time to answer some questions and to update us on what he has been up to since his time with Experiences Canada. This quick read shows just how life changing our programs can be. Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself?...
Alumni Zach Wysoczanskyj took the time to answer some questions and to update us on what he has been up to since his time with Experiences Canada. This quick read shows just how life changing a youth exchange can be. Can you please tell us a little bit...