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Experience Canada's vision is to promote an environment in which all Canadians take full advantage of dynamic cultural experiences, celebrate our history and heritage, and participate in building creative communities.

  • Funding an exchange is subject to the applicant entering into a participation agreement with Experiences Canada and submitting a $250 non-refundable application fee.
  • Travel costs for eligible participants are paid by the Government of Canada through Experiences Canada youth exchanges program.
  • Participating groups are responsible for hosting arrangements, local transportation and costs of activities.
  • Successful applicants are required to pay $250 non-refundable registration fee per person participating in the exchange, after returning the signed Agreement.
  • All youth participants must be new to the exchange program. Returning youth may participate at their own costs.
  • To ensure the safety and the security of all participants, all volunteers and adults (hosts or chaperones) over the age of 18 will be required to provide a clear police record and vulnerable sector checks.

1. Group Identification (Page 1 of 7)

Group Information

Group Organizer Information


School Principal or Club President 
Note: For safety reasons, the organizer named in Section 3 and the Principal/President named in Section 4 cannot be the same person.

The Principal/President must have the authority to legally bind and sign the Group Acknowledgement Form and Agreement of participation on behalf of the school, school board or Club.

We will automatically send the person identified in this section, an Acknowledgement form to sign and return to us. This is required for us to proceed with processing your application. 

2. Group Profile (Page 2 of 7)

  • NOTE: Experiences Canada’s chaperone ratio is 1 / 10:
    • Groups of 10 to 20 youth: 2 subsidized chaperones
      Groups of 21 to 30 youth: 3 subsidized chaperones

a) Estimated Number of Participants (minimum 10 youth and 2 adults):                                      

Please ensure the minimum group size is no smaller than 8 youth

Please ensure the minimum group size is no smaller than 8 youth

b) Please indicate your group size flexibility (minimum 8 youth and 2 adults):                                
Please ensure the minimum group size is no smaller than 8 youth
Please ensure the maximum group size is no bigger than 45 youth
c) Please indicate your age ranges:                                                                
Please ensure the minimum age is no younger than 12
Please ensure that maximum age is no older then 17

3. Group Description (Page 3 of 7)

We encourage the participation of youth who have traditionally been under-represented in exchanges. Please indicate if your group includes youth who fall within the following groupings:
 (please see Definitions on page 7 of the Application Guide)

4. Exchange Description (Page 4 of 7)

Educational focus
Please select your PRIMARY and SECONDARY educational focus of your exchange.

If an application matching with your primary focus is not available, we will look for an application matching with your secondary educational focus. 

Linguistic focus

Official Minority Community (OMLC)
Canada’s official languages are English and French. Official language minority communities (OLMCs) are groups of people whose maternal or chosen official language is not the majority language in their province or– in other words, Anglophones in Quebec and Francophones outside of Quebec. For the purposes of its programs, Experiences Canada defines OLMC groups and organizations as those who self-identify as belonging to one of these groups.

5.  Specific Requests (Optional) (Page 5 of 7)

Twin Group Information


6.  Exchange Period (Page 6 of 7)

Exchange period

Please indicate your preferred Travel and Hosting periods

7.  Agreements (Page 7of 7)

Due to a high demand for exchanges and limited funding, not all applications will result in an approved exchange. Experiences Canada tracks all groups’ history to ensure that everyone has equal access to the program. 
    In consideration of application for funding by EXPERIENCES CANADA, I, the undersigned, acknowledge, agree, and warrant that: 
    • I am a duly authorized agent and representative of the School or Organization and submit the enclosed application with the full knowledge, consent, and approval of the School or Organization; 

    • I understand a non-refundable application fee of $250 per group is required to start the twinning process; 

    • I understand that, if my application is approved, additional registration fees of $250 per traveling participant will be required and are non-refundable; 

    • I understand that, upon confirmation of funding/twinning, our school or organization will be required to enter into a formal agreement with Experiences Canada, and we will be expected to comply with the terms and conditions as set out in that agreement.

    Once your application is received you will be sent an email with an invoice for the fee due and instructions on how to submit payment.

    A link to the acknowledgment form and the participation agreement will be sent to the principal/president following submission of this form.



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