Exchange Stories – An Even More Meaningful Experience

Exchange Stories – An Even More Meaningful Experience

The Indigenous Education Consultant of our school board presented our principal with the idea to take a group of students on an exchange to British Columbia. Our school, Holy Cross, had recently piloted many initiatives surrounding indigenous education, and the chance...
Exchange Stories – An Exchange Outside of the Norm!

Exchange Stories – An Exchange Outside of the Norm!

I desperately wanted to do this exchange since I was going to discover a new part of Canada. I also think that this type of exchange is a good opportunity to practice your English and make meaningful connections with new people! Ever since the announcement, I couldn’t...

Exchange Stories – Exchange Trip with Kamloops

Here’s a day-to-day account of one exchange experience authored by Arianne Rousseau from St-Hyacinthe, Quebec. Day 1: Finally departing 58. That was the number of days that separated the time our twins from Kamloops left Quebec to the day our group of 25...
Exchange Stories – An Adventure of a Lifetime

Exchange Stories – An Adventure of a Lifetime

Hello! My name is Kaila Willison-Cole, and I am 17 years old. I recently did an exchange to Clyde River, Nunavut, and this was my experience. I went into this exchange not really knowing anyone personally. I knew four students that were my age, but the rest were...
Exchange Stories – An Image I’ll Never Forget

Exchange Stories – An Image I’ll Never Forget

Hello Everyone. Today I would like to talk to you about my experience as an Experiences Canada youth ambassador. This trip allowed me to visit a part of Canada I had never been to before, to discover an extraordinary city and to meet fantastic people. One of my best...

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