Feature Friday: Alumni Zach Wysoczanskyj

Feature Friday: Alumni Zach Wysoczanskyj

  Alumni Zach Wysoczanskyj took the time to answer some questions and to update us on what he has been up to since his time with Experiences Canada. This quick read shows just how life changing a youth exchange can be.   Can you please tell us a little bit...
Feature Friday: Alumni Kulmehak Randhawa

Feature Friday: Alumni Kulmehak Randhawa

  Alumni Kulmekah Randhawa took the time to answer some questions and to update us on what he has been up to since his time with Experiences Canada. This quick read shows just how impactful, engaging, and empowering our programs can be.   Q: When and which...
Alumni Robert Warzel – Reciprocal language exchange 2007

Alumni Robert Warzel – Reciprocal language exchange 2007

My first encounter with Experiences Canada (then SEVEC) was early 2007, on a reciprocal language exchange between Langley, BC and St-Hyacinthe, QC. I was a French immersion student through high school, so the immediate and obvious benefit was the opportunity to...
Something to Remember

Something to Remember

My trip to Sylvan Lake, Alberta really was not one to forget. I met so many new, great people as well as saw so much beauty in nature that I would never be able to see in my hometown province of Ontario. My favourite part of the trip was hands down going to Banff and...
Catherine Cadigan

Catherine Cadigan

Canada 150&Me Forum Participant, YAC President 2017-2018 Two years ago, I was a high school student in grade 10 who had never travelled much farther than the community centre from my hometown of Lindsay, Ontario. Regardless of my lack of geographical expertise, I...


Participated in Youth exchange to Hay River, NWT, YAC member Being a part of an Experiences Canada cultural exchange was without a doubt one of the best things that ever happened to me. As with many other children of immigrant families, I have always been expected to...

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