Youth Leader Spotlight: Justin Langan

Youth Leader Spotlight: Justin Langan

On National Indigenous Peoples Day we’d like to showcase one of our Indigenous Youth Leaders that will be attending our National Youth Forum 2024 – Reconciliation. Meet Justin Langan! He is a multi-award-winning LGBTQ2+ Métis activist, creative and student at...
Connecting Hearts and Cultures

Connecting Hearts and Cultures

A Transformative Journey on the Paulatuk Exchange From September 25 to October 1, 2022, we had the privilege of hosting students and teachers from Angik School in Paulatuk, here in central Ontario. We had an exciting time showing them some of the many attractions in...
Discovering Alberta

Discovering Alberta

A Journey of Friendship and Growth Experiences Canada,   We would like to thank you for the incredible travel experience we recently had in Edmonton, Alberta. Thanks to your generosity and professionalism, we were able to fully enjoy everything this city has to offer....

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