Our trip to Ottawa

Our trip to Ottawa

Our trip to Ottawa was a great opportunity to bond as a team, with our host families, and to explore another province. Our six days were spent visiting Ottawa’s various tourist attractions, with the occasional basketball game sprinkled in (we played SMT and Glebe)....
Lifetime Connections

Lifetime Connections

My experience in Victoria with our varsity basketball team was extraordinary. While in Victoria, there was never a dull moment. I had the opportunity to experience so many things with my team, and these opportunities will inspire me for a lifetime. My time in Victoria...
I never thought I would be able to experience this…

I never thought I would be able to experience this…

When my teacher was telling my class that we would get a chance to go to Quebec I was so excited. I knew that it would be a new experience to learn about another indigenous group all across Canada. At the beginning of the exchange it was quite different meeting new...
My Trip With Experiences Canada

My Trip With Experiences Canada

My trip to Ontario and around Alberta was incredible. I got to do and explore so many things; things that struck inspiration for my writing and things that inspired me for my future. I am a born and raised Canadian but there were so many differences that I discovered...
Diversity and Acceptance: My Trip to Vancouver

Diversity and Acceptance: My Trip to Vancouver

My best memory from the trip is the time I went swimming in the Pacific Ocean. At that moment, the sun was setting and its rays were reflected by the water, which reminded me of how lucky we were to go on this trip. What surprised me the most is how the people that...

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